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As a criminal justice charity rooted in family, community and respect, we believe four aspects are crucial in rehabilitation: strong relationships with our keyworkers, providing opportunities for creativity, finding meaningful employment and strengthening family relationships
OC is a creative criminal justice charity, rooted in community.
To reduce reoffending and increase the chances of the most marginalised.
Is a connected society, where we all choose a crime free life.
Handshake not handout.
This represents what we consider important: relationships, personal responsibility, and working with people, rather than doing things for people. We want to encourage autonomy and personal agency.

Only Connect is a crime prevention charity, established in 2006 by Danny and Emma Kruger. Since then, Only Connect has evolved into one of the most highly regarded and effective charities working in prisons and helping prisoners to prepare for release.
We have over fifteen years’ experience of working with young people who have been involved in the criminal justice system. We have delivered projects at all stages in the offending cycle: from delivering preventative work in schools across the capital, to working in London prisons for over a decade, to our community model that works in partnership with youth offending teams and probation services throughout the capital to minimise reoffending.
Since 2006, our work has reached tens of thousands of Londoners, helping them to move away from crime.
DJ first came in contact with Only Connect through a referral from his probation officer. At the time he was trying to figure out how to get his juice business off the ground and said that ‘nothing was going right’. His first interactions with Only Connect mainly consisted of conversations with his caseworker and this enabled him to put his ideas on to paper which is something that he had previously struggled with.
Through Only Connect he was able to acquire both a CSCS (Construction Skills Certification Scheme) card and a Street Trading License. His caseworker also assisted in registering his business and setting up a business bank account. He has since successfully completed the Launch22 incubator programme, where he developed entrepreneurial skills and accelerated the growth of his business.
In his opinion one of the best things about Only Connect is their connections, stating that ‘the name plays the game and without Only Connect I would not have the connections.’
His business is now thriving, he is pleased that he is able to make people happy with his juices and to know that he is helping people is incredibly rewarding for him. He is grateful for Only Connect and feels that without OC’s support he would not be where he is now.


Danny Kruger.
Founder & Trustee

Emma Kruger,
Founder & Trustee
Danny & Emma Kruger
Danny and Emma Kruger are our founders and Trustees. Emma, after graduating in 1996 from Manchester University with a degree in drama and English, worked for 8 years as a teacher in mainstream secondary schools, Emotional and Behavioural Difficulty (EBD) Units and Pupil Referral Units (PRUs). In 2004-05 she was the London director of the BBC RaW (Reading and Writing) programme, delivering literacy projects with a wide range of community groups. Since university Emma had volunteered and worked part time in prisons, leading drama workshops with offenders. Until 2017 she worked full-time for the charity, mostly in prisons and also leading crime prevention projects in schools across London. Danny was, with Emma, the co-founder of Only Connect. He stopped working for OC in 2015 and became chair of trustees. Danny was elected as an MP in 2019.
Lara Jonah
Lara Jonah joined Only Connect as a trustee in 2020. She is a Registered and Chartered Forensic Psychologist, with over 20 years’ experience working in criminal justice settings. She currently one of the national clinical leads for domestic abuse programmes, within His Majesty’s Prisons and Probation Service, with a remit that includes strategic development, programme design, and staff training. In previous roles Lara has worked as a head of psychology, in large and complex prison. She has also led on several initiatives, one of which in was awarded a Butler Trust prize in 2009. Additionally, Lara has worked on international projects, within the Caribbean criminal justice system and held a position as treasurer for the Division Forensic Psychology. Lara supports other charities that work to promote social inclusion and is a trustee at two Arts led charities: Vital Xposure and Open Clasp. In addition to her interest in the performing arts Lara enjoys travelling, reading graphic novels and fitness.
Charlotte Rendle
Charlotte Rendle is a psychotherapist in private practice. Before, she was the deputy governor of a large London prison.
Dionne Trotman
Dionne Trotman worked as a journalist for many years and took redundancy from the BBC a couple of years ago. She and Charles (see below) have two grown-up children, Joseph and Ella. She is an avid reader and writer and has helped with a number of church groups. She is enthusiastic to see how to help Only Connect and the members it supports.
Charles Trotman
Charles Trotman works in computing for the University of West London. He is a keen cyclist and runner. He told us: “I am aware that people who look like me are overrepresented in the prison system.” He has previously supported Soup Kitchens and the homeless though their local church and served on a number of committees.

Simon Pellew OBE
Chief Executive

Samantha Nguyen.
Senior Caseworker

Josh Ballaam.

Stefan Assall.
Music Department

Ben Digby.
Music Production Manager.

Tim Titsworth.
Music Production Co-Ordinator.
Development Team

Martin Brett.
Operations Manager.

Martina De Camillis.
Impact & Development Manager.

Savi Uppal.
Commercial Venue Manager.

Charlotte Ball.

Marvin Grant.